Monday, February 20, 2006

More Downtime and Another Server Change

The non-blog sections of Unfound Bloom are down. I know we never finished rebuilding the site after the last server change, so this isn't too much of a loss - but still, we're in the midst of another server change. It appears that we'll be staying with the same company as the incident that made the site go down is not their fault and we've been happy with their service. I'll continue to update this blog intermittently until we re-launch the site.

Monday, January 30, 2006

American Music Club

Just a quick update to say that you should download (legally) a free American Music Club album here: . Apparently the singer's sort-of on tour with David Bazan from Pedro the Lion and a few other guys. I'm hoping to see the tour and possibly even write a review of the show for the site (Although the site does appear to be dead now, so who knows).